Tips On Servicing A Water Heater Or Is It Time To Replace

Tips On Servicing A Water Heater Or Is It Time To Replace

A water heating system of any size is a costly investment. To ensure your spending is worthwhile, you need to do everything you can to extend the life of the system and keep it performing at an optimum level. Correct and regular water heater maintenance has the potential to prolong the lifespan of your system to between 12 – 15 years unless the system fails for another reason. Let’s discuss our water heater maintenance tips, so you can start implementing them today.


Regular Servicing

As with any mechanical or electrical equipment, regular servicing is paramount to preventing drastic failures or a build-up of faults that all need resolving at the same time. Cleaning and replacing parts that are highly used and worn is not only paramount to the lifespan of your heater, but it also ensures you’re always getting high-quality heated water quickly.

Annual System Flushing

When maintaining a water heater, we recommend flushing the system at least once every 12 months. Over this time, there will be a natural build-up of limescale and grime. Not only will this impact the quality of your water, but it also backs the system up and stops water from flowing as freely. To avoid blockages that could potentially flood the system and damage it beyond repair, annual flushing is a must. 

For an in-depth how-to click this link on how to service your water heater 

Genuine New Parts

No matter how well you service and maintain a water heater, you’re going to need to install new parts at some point. Usually, inexperienced people and DIYers will buy the cheapest parts, rather than choosing genuine branded products made specifically for their water heater. While some non-branded parts will do an effective job, there’s nothing like the assurance genuine parts provide. More often than not, genuine parts will last much longer than replicas, meaning you will replace them less frequently.

Expert Assistance

Maintaining a water heater can be a complicated and time-consuming process. As a novice, it is incredibly easy to make mistakes that are either not easy to rectify or are catastrophic, causing system failure. Unless you’re highly competent with DIY and plumbing, we suggest enlisting the assistance of an expert whenever you encounter an issue or are conducting your regular maintenance. While their services come at a cost, it definitely outweighs the negatives of not servicing or doing your own maintenance incorrectly.

In Summary

Regular maintenance and system flushing are crucial to ensuring you get the best possible ROI from your water heater. It’s possible to keep one of these systems operating efficiently for 15 years. However, if you neglect it, you should be prepared for regularly needing to replace what are costly systems. For further water heater assistance, get in touch with us, and our team will give you the advice and guidance you need.

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